Culinary CTE

By: Ty Lounsbury             Welcome back to the CTE series! This week’s piece is about the very impressive culinary CTE program that is offered at Wallenpaupack. It started in the fall of 2016. Although it did exist before 2016, it wasn’t a CTE at the time; it was part of a home economics class. Since then,…

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The Great Gatsby

By: Hunter Kenthack “The Great Gatsby” …. Where to begin? It is noted as one of America’s great literary classics. It revolves around high society during the “roaring twenties.” Despite what we see when we crack open the cover of the work, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s gem is not a piece that was viewed favorably by most people…

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National Honor Society Meeting

By: Jewel Dickerman On October 5, the National Honor Society held a meeting where the Chapter Group Community Service and Public Relations Committees met to discuss organization and logistics for launching the chapter group service project. The idea is to make this plan a district-wide initiative.  “The on-going project, collecting aluminum tabs to donate to…

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World of Wonders Program

By: Ty Lounsbury Wallenpaupack has a lot of amazing programs at our school; one of which is the Childcare CTE program that is supervised by Mrs. Geisheimer and Mrs. Rowe. This program has many ways to benefit people going into the childcare pathway, and more specifically, it focuses on working with young children. One of…

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School Event Streaming

By: Ty Lounsbury             On Tuesday, September 26, a meeting took place in Mr. Doty’s room in the high school. The meeting consisted of eight people: Dr. Caruso, Dr. LaCoe, Mr. Jackman, Mr. Branch, Mr. Doty, Mrs. Mitschele, and two seniors, Lily Struble and Ryan Tattersall. Although many of the people do not need introductions, Dr….

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Hawley Harvest Hoedown

Written by Lily Struble The Hawley Harvest Hoedown is a free annual event that has been occurring in downtown Hawley for more than 30 years. It was held this past weekend, Saturday 30- October 1 and was hosted by the Downtown Hawley Partnership, a volunteer-run organization comprising of local businesses, organizations, and individuals who work…

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Glow Run

Written by Lily Struble On Saturday, September 30, the Victims Intervention Program in cooperation with Mrs. Rosencrance’s Leadership in Schools and Community class held a Glow Run at the Wallenpaupack Area High School Football Stadium. The gates opened at 4 pm for a Wellness Fair and the 5k walk/run kicked off at 7 PM. It…

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