School Event Streaming

By: Ty Lounsbury             On Tuesday, September 26, a meeting took place in Mr. Doty’s room in the high school. The meeting consisted of eight people: Dr. Caruso, Dr. LaCoe, Mr. Jackman, Mr. Branch, Mr. Doty, Mrs. Mitschele, and two seniors, Lily Struble and Ryan Tattersall. Although many of the people do not need introductions, Dr….

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“Our Kids” Food Pantry

Written by Lily Struble “Our Kids” Food Pantry is based at Wallenpaupack Area High School;however, it serves all families in our entire district. Mrs. Martynuk, the program’sfounder, started the pantry six years ago around Thanksgiving. She heard plenty ofsad stories from her students who talked about never celebrating much during theholidays due to financial situations…

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Save Hamlet

BY: BETHANY DAY  With school back in session, WAHS players are back at it this year with a new play “Save Hamlet”. “Save Hamlet” is a parody of “Hamlet,” a playwright written by William Shakespeare. It focuses on turning the tragedy into a comedy. In the play, a lot of the male characters are females in disguise, and they…

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Lakeside Lounge/ Calming Room

WRITTEN BY Any’ah C The high school has its own “Calming Room,” as some call it. This room is located diagonally from the library, room 252, just before the elevator. “The Lakeside Lounge was developed by students who saw a need to provide their peers with a break throughout the school day.” Mrs. Peppiatt, the…

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Club Fair

WRITTEN BY JEWEL DICKERMAN On September 16th, Wallenpaupack Area High School hosted a club fair during the school day to show students the clubs they are to participate in. The club fair was held in the auxiliary gym and students were able to come in and look at all the clubs and sports that WAHS…

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Creating Educational Pipelines

Written by Lily Struble On Tuesday, September 19, State Representative Joseph Adams (R-Pike/Wayne) hosted a hearing titled “Creating Educational Pipelines to Prosperity.” Our superintendent, Mr. Keith Gunuskey, Mrs. Mary Beth Wood (the executive director of Wayne Economic Development Corporation), and Dr. Joann Hudak (chairperson of the board for the Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance) all testified to the importance of building a Career Technical Center (CTC), aka a “VoTech”…

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