Video Club

By: Sadie Zagwoski The Video Club advised by Mr. Jackman, is an after-school club where students can work on photography and videography projects. The club is not limited to students who take the courses, it is open to anybody who is interested. In the Video Club, members work on their own projects or class projects, maintain the…

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HOSA State Leadership Conference

By: Bethany Day On March 13- 15, Mrs. Elders Future Health Professionals (HOSA)program went to Lancaster, PA, for the 45thanniversary of State Leadership Conference (SLC). There were 25 competitors from Wallenpaupack Area who participated in this event, along with two delegates. The students completed multiple categories that included, Veterinary Science, Forensic Science, Public Service Announcement,…

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Literary Magazine

Written by Sadie Zagwoski In Literary Magazine, members work on compiling student writing and artistic pieces to display them to our school and community. The works are featured on the Literary Magazine’s website, though the club is working on producing printed copies of the magazine this May. This way, the magazine can reach a larger audience and hopefully promote increased submissions and participation. If you have art or…

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Crack an Egg

Written by Giovanni Patire In honor of the upcoming Easter holiday, VIP (Volunteers in Paupack) Club is raising money through its annual event,Crack an Egg. March 26 and March 27 during all lunches students can pay $1 for one egg or $5 for six eggs for the chance to crack open Easter eggs to win fun prizes. Some of the prizes include candy, snacks, drinks, and other surprises such as the golden egg. The lucky winner of the golden egg this year will be…

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General Student Council

Written by Sadie Zagwoski In the General Student Council, students plan and organize various school-based activities. Members volunteer to help with events of their choosing, and they don’t have to work with every event that the student council hosts. The General Student Council plans and decorates school dances, such as the homecoming dance and semi-formal dance. They also host each of our annual pep rallies, including the fall pep rally,…

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Blood Drive

By: Jewel Dickerman On Thursday, February 29, Wallenpaupack Area High School had some visitors from the American Red Cross. The Future Health Professionals (HOSA) hosted a blood drive in the aux gym where students greater than the age of sixteen, with parental consent, could donate blood. Before the blood drive, students were given the chance…

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Scholastics Team

By: Sadie Zagwoski The Scholastics team is a club that participates in various trivia competitions. Team members compete with other schools. In competitions, a reader asks the questions, and the team who presses their buzzer first gets to answer and potentially earn points. Throughout the school year, team members compete in several quiz bowls. During…

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Art Club

By: Sadie Zagwoski             Art Club is the ideal space for students to be creative and express themselves. During meetings, members can work on a common assignment or work on projects independently, whether it is a project assigned in an art class or their own work. Sometimes they can work on a project requested by our…

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