Bethany Day

Crack an Egg

Written by Giovanni Patire In honor of the upcoming Easter holiday, VIP (Volunteers in Paupack) Club is raising money through its annual event,Crack an Egg. March 26 and March 27 during all lunches students can pay $1 for one egg or $5 for six eggs for the chance to crack open Easter eggs to win fun prizes. Some of the prizes include candy, snacks, drinks, and other surprises such as the golden egg. The lucky winner of the golden egg this year will be…

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Protective Services

Written by Ty Lounsbury ​Determination, hard work, and a desire to help are all necessities for those who want to join the Protective Services CTE. Whether your interest is in police work, firefighting, or working as a paramedic, this program has it all. From learning how correctly to handcuff someone to being taught how to operate a fire truck, these students are kept busy. The supervisors, Mr. Lofberg and…

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Literary Magazine

Written by Sadie Zagwoski In Literary Magazine, members work on compiling student writing and artistic pieces to display them to our school and community. The works are featured on the Literary Magazine’s website, though the club is working on producing printed copies of the magazine this May. This way, the magazine can reach a larger audience and hopefully promote increased submissions and participation. If you have art or…

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General Student Council

Written by Sadie Zagwoski In the General Student Council, students plan and organize various school-based activities. Members volunteer to help with events of their choosing, and they don’t have to work with every event that the student council hosts. The General Student Council plans and decorates school dances, such as the homecoming dance and semi-formal dance. They also host each of our annual pep rallies, including the fall pep rally,…

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Wrestling Team Heading To States

Written by Bethany Day The boys and girls wrestling teams will each have two of their wrestlers head to Hershey to participate in States! The girls’ wrestlers had two top place winners at the northeast regional tournament, Ariel Manning, 130 pounds who placed third, and Zoey Lake, 235 pounds, who placed fourth. The boys will have Gunnar Myers,…

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Both Wrestling Teams Win Districts

Written by Bethany Day On Friday, February 23, and Saturday, February 24, both boys and girls had won their first district championship! On the boy’s side, eleven out of thirteen will be heading to districts. When I had asked Mr. Krushnowski, if he was surprised, he gave me an honest statement, “Yes, we were surprised…

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Chess Club

Written by Sadie Zagwoski In the Chess Club, members challenge each other in matches, practice by playing the best out of three games, and learn how to play chess. Students may join the club at any experience level, and they will learn any necessary rules and skills in the club. Within matches and practices, members…

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