Loralie Love

Science Olympiad

Written by Sadie Zagwoski Science Olympiad is an academic competition club that consists of 23 different events in science and engineering. Each student gets to participate in an event of their choice and he or she can participate alone but most choose to work with one or two partners. The events cover a variety of…

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Senior Trip

Written by: Hunter Kenthack Are you going on the senior trip to Disney? Or perhaps you know a senior that will beattending? In the past the seniors have gone places like Virginia Beach, but our school hasmaintained the tradition of Disney for quite a while now. Although there are no parentchaperones there will be teachers…

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Veteran’s Day

Written by: Jewel Dickerman A federal holiday that will be recognized for the 69th year is coming around the corner:Veteran’s Day. This is a holiday where we, the United States of America, get to honor all peoplethat put their lives on the line. Women and men serve in the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, AirForce, Coast…

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Winter Sports

Written By: BETHANY DAY It’s that time of season, when the air gets cold, and snow starts to hit theground. With the sad yetbeautiful weather, winter sports will be arriving. Wallenpaupack has fabulouswinter sports. The sports include boys and girls wrestling, swimming, and boys’and girls’ basketball. Girl’s wrestling is brand new to our school!The girls’…

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