WAHS Band Concert

By: Gio Patire

This past Tuesday, May 21, the WAHS Symphonic and Jazz Bands and the Wind Ensemble held their spring concert. They played an array of music with an underlying theme of Italian music in honor of the upcoming trip to Italy. The bands played some memorable pieces such as Dies Irae, from Italian composer Giuseppi Verdi’s Requiem, and Italian Feast arranged by David Borowitz. During the performance, Mr. Ryan Kozich and Mr. Steven Catizone, teachers within our district, took the stage as guest conductors for the band. Mr. Kozich’s piece was a piece near and dear to many students as it was a song that was cut because of the pandemic. Director Eric Warner always does a fantastic job training the band for their concert, and this year was no different. Congratulations on another fantastic concert!

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