Student Council June Events

Pictured are the cheerleaders from last year’s Powder Puff game, Hawkeye Rollison, Alexander Seretis, Andrew Bromberger, Ty Mazzga, Michael Kelly, Oscar De Los Santos, Nathan Glauner, Fox Yetter, Lucas Ryan, Adam Basile, Jake Vecchio, and Kai Puma Stehlik.

By: Sadie Zagwoski

            As we approach June, the General Student Council has some exciting events planned to conclude the school year. Unlike last year, the Powder Puff game will be separate from the Blowout Bash. The game will take place after school on June 7. Seniors and juniors who would like to be involved can find the sign-up sheets outside of Mrs. Ragonese’s room, 109. Unfortunately, there will not be late buses on June 7.

            On June 12, there will be a spike ball tournament prior to the senior’s graduation practice, and the Blowout Bash will begin shortly after the practice begins. The spike ball tournament will take place from 8:30-11. Students should expect a sign-up form to be sent to their Outlook within the coming weeks. Seniors who want to take part can, as practice begins at 11.

The annual Blowout Bash will then begin at 11:15 and it will be much like it was last year. There will be a dunk tank with teachers rotating throughout the afternoon. Mrs. Ragonese will coordinate the list of teachers who would like to participate, and a schedule will be posted by the tank for when each teacher’s turn will be. There will also be a foam slip-n-slide set up for students to use. Various clubs will have tables outside, displaying games relating to the club they are representing. In addition to the clubs’ games, there will be yard games set up in the middle of the attractions. New this year, our HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) members will be selling ice cream during the event as their club fundraiser. The Blowout Bash will conclude around 2:15.

Students, note that Student Council elections are coming up! If you would like to run as an Executive Council Officer, the application packet, which can be found outside Mrs. Ragonese’s room, is due back to her next Thursday, May 23. Student voters should expect a form to be sent to their Outlook, and results should be released shortly afterwards.

If you have any questions, you may reach out to Mrs. Ragonese via Outlook,, or visit her in her classroom, 109.

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