Nathan Glauner

By: Jewel Dickerman

As Nathan Glauner prepares to graduate, he looks forward to the future with excitement and anticipation. This fall, he will be attending Temple University to major in Actuarial Science, embarking on a path that promises both challenge and reward.

Nathan’s high school journey has been rich with diverse experiences and achievements. A dedicated member of the Wallenpaupack Area High School Players for three years, he stepped into the critical role of Stage Manager during his senior year, showcasing his leadership and organizational skills. His commitment to the arts extended beyond the stage, as he also participated in band and marching band during his junior year and sang in the choir for two years.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, Nathan accepted an invitation to the National Honor Society this year, highlighting his academic dedication and community involvement.

Reflecting on his time at WAHS, Nathan shares that what he will miss the most is the camaraderie and growth he experienced with the WAHS Players. “I’ve grown the most with this program,” he says, “and I’ve made amazing memories and even better friends.”

His passion for theatre and the relationships he has built through it will remain cherished parts of his high school legacy.

As Nathan transitions to this next exciting chapter, he carries with him the skills, memories, and friendships from WAHS, ready to tackle new challenges and continue his journey of personal and academic growth at Temple University.

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