iPad Return

By: Briana Blaszczyk

As we reach the end of our 2023-2024 school year, students must return their school issued iPads. A quick reminder that iPads should be returned in their “as issued” condition. So here is the return date for each grade. Seniors are to return their iPads on June 7th during cap and gown distribution in the main gymnasium, and seniors are encouraged to move any digital material stored on the school’s cloud to One Drive, as it will not save the material otherwise. Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors who ARE NOT taking finals will be called to the gymnasium by grade on June 7th. And Freshman, Sophomore, and juniors who ARE taking finals should check with their teachers to ensure their name is on the roster for “in-classroom collections” after their final. With that, have a fantastic rest of your school year!

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