Alex Seretis

By: Gio Patire

Alex Seretis is a face many students have seen around the school. He is very well-rounded, participating in many activities such as all after school band and choir events, and the WAHS theater program. He also has participated in the Science Olympiad, Local History Club, Envirothon, and he even played on the WAHS baseball team. Alex participates so much, but he really strives to improve the school with his kindness, taking leadership roles such as Drum Major this past marching band season, which was his personal favorite activity.

In the future, he is attending Pace University in New York City, where he is accepted into their BA acting program hopefully to continue a career in the same field. Alex’s outgoing nature and friendly demeanor have made him a beloved member of the WAHS community and a role model for the younger students. He is very talented at giving advice and left some advice for the underclassmen. “It’s ok if you aren’t that gifted in certain subjects! You still learn a lot about who you are and social aspects of life.”

The school will miss having Alex’s outgoing personality around, and we cannot wait to see him reach his peak on Broadway!

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