Jake Vecchio

By: Gio Patire

Whether you are at a choral concert or at a WAHS Player’s show, you will see the familiar face of Jake Vecchio. Jake is a staple in the WAHS music program, being a part of Concert, Chamber, and Show Choirs, Symphonic and Jazz Band, as well as Wind Ensemble, and the WAHS Players. However, he has excelled at the competitive music level attending many choir and band festivals such as All-National Choir, which he says is his greatest accomplishment in high school, and All-State Choir for all his eligible years. His plans include attending The Manhattan School of Music, his top school, and moving to Broadway or Opera after college. Most recently, Jake took the stage one last time in Les Misérables as the leading role Jean Valjean. His advice to everyone is to, “keep pushing yourself above and beyond, and to not let others bring you down.”

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