Written by Sadie Zagwoski
In Literary Magazine, members work on compiling student writing and artistic pieces to display them to our school and community. The works are featured on the Literary Magazine’s website, though the club is working on producing printed copies of the magazine this May. This way, the magazine can reach a larger audience and hopefully promote increased submissions and participation. If you have art or writing pieces that you would like to share, you can submit them to litmag@wallenpaupack.org.
I interviewed Ms. Toy, who became the faculty advisor of the magazine this past September, to learn more about Literary Magazine. Ms. Toy’s favorite part of being an advisor of this club is “getting to know the members as people more than as students and watching them dedicate their time and talents to the magazine.”
The members publish their own works, along with those of students who may not be in the club. During meetings, members will work on their own content that they wish to be showcased. Ms. Toy would like potential members to recognize that “the club members are student writers and artists working as a community to speak their truth through their art.”
You can express yourself through the medium of visual arts, rather than solely through literary works.
If you would like to view the Literary Magazine, you may visit their website, paupackink.com, or scan the QR code which has been attached for your convenience. Literary Magazine meets every Tuesday after school in room 304, and they’re looking for new members! To learn more, you may reference the flyers which can be found around the school, or reach out to Ms. Toy via email, loftuski@wallenpaupack.org.