Genesis Perez’s FCCLA STAR Event

Written by Sadie Zagwoski

Members of FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) each select their own STAR Event(Students Taking Action with Recognition). They present their events against students from other schools who are presentingon the same topic. These students compete at regionals, then states and nationals if they place high enough. I had the privilege of interviewing junior Genesis Perez and learning about her STAR Event and what inspired her to choose it.

Genesis’s STAR Event is “Public Policy Advocate.” Shehad to find something that is relevant in our community, state, or country, that she felt needed increased advocacy. She originally decided on homelessness, but later adapted her focus to sustainable jobs and how the lack of them is a major factor of homelessness. Since Genesis knew people in her life who hadexperienced homelessness and poverty, this was the obvious choice for her. “In our state of Pennsylvania, thirteen thousand people are homeless, that is just in our state. And ten percent of Wayne and Pike County are below the poverty line.”

This proves that the issue is incredibly relevant within our community. Citizens of Wanye and Pike County must be more aware that this is happening and come together in attempt to help others.

As creating sustainable jobs and combatting homelessness are ambitious goals, Genesis is focusing her impact on our school and community. She has been in correspondence with various community members, such as Mikki Uzupes, who is the Community Network Specialist for Wayne Tomorrow, to aid her in her research. She has even gone as far as sending a letter to Congressman Matthew Cartwright regarding the scarcity of sustainable jobs in our area. Genesis hopes to continue her efforts and correspondence after her STAR Event is concluded with FCCLA. Any students struggling with poverty and/or homelessness are not alone and have resources within our building to aid them. If you are struggling with homelessness and need assistance, you can contact our school’s Homeless Liaison, Dr. Tanya Carrelle. Her email address is

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