Visual Art Pathway

By: Gio Patire

From Pathways to Career and Technical Education (CTE‘s), our school has an abundance of programs that guide students through the basics of many careers. The visual arts pathway is one of these programs that allows students to step into the role of an artist, whether it be traditional art with paint, or video production with a camera in hand.

Fine arts senior Sydney Sura mentioned that it was, “an amazing way to spend my four years in high school.” 

Another senior, Madison Gentes, also postulated that it was a way to express herself and take her stress out through a creative outlet. 

Having programs for the arts is an important part of a good school, and our school provides all these amazing programs, classes, and equipment that allows students to express themselves in any way imaginable. On top of highly successful parts of the programs, the amazing teachers such as Mr. Hamil, Ms. Peet, and Mr. Jackman provide students with experiences, knowledge, and support that allows students to thrive and find themselves and their passions within each program. With a wide range of art forms, the visual arts program brings something for everyone who is interested in finding their artistic passion as well as joy and unwavering support as well. (In photo Sydney Sura) 

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