Art Club

By: Sadie Zagwoski

            Art Club is the ideal space for students to be creative and express themselves. During meetings, members can work on a common assignment or work on projects independently, whether it is a project assigned in an art class or their own work. Sometimes they can work on a project requested by our community. This upcoming week, the members will begin working on a Valentine’s Day project. 

            I interviewed Mrs. Peet, the faculty advisor of the Art Club, to hear about her experience of being an advisor and to learn more about the club. Mrs. Peet’s favorite part of the club is getting to see kids create and giving more students opportunities to work on art, as many cannot fit an art class within their busy schedules. Current members are most looking forward to the annual New York City trip! Anybody can join the Art Club, regardless of their level of experience. Meetings are held every Wednesday after school in Mrs. Peet’s room, 283. You simply join by signing up on the sheet inside of her room before the next upcoming Wednesday. If you have any further questions, you can contact Mrs. Peet by email or visit her room. 

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