Environment Club

By: Sadie Zagwoski

In the Environmental Club, members have the privilege of learning more about the outdoors and participating in fun activities. In warmer weather, members will venture outside and walk trails. During winter, they do various indoor activities like making bird feeders and tie-dye. There are different activities each week, and you can find sign-up sheets outside of Mrs. Lohner’s room, 266. If you are passionate about protecting and learning about the environment, this is the perfect club for you to join. 

I interviewed Mrs. Bartholomew, who is a faculty advisor along with Mrs. Lohner, to hear about her favorite parts of the club. “I love getting the kids out in nature and finding appreciation for the outdoors.” 

She is most looking forward to the weather being warm again and seeing spring wildflowers and mushrooms. If you want to join the Environmental Club, you can sign up for the in-school activities outside of Mrs. Lohner’s room. To attend activities that involve leaving the school, you will have to return a permission slip as well in addition to signing up. You can contact Mrs. Bartholomew or Mrs. Lohner with any questions!

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