By: Bethany Day
With the first semester ending, the date of taking finals is approaching. For the last few years, the school decided to let the teachers decide if they wanted to have either a final exam or a final project due to Covid-19. However, this year the high school administrative team has decided to have every class administer a final due to pandemic ending.
I interviewed Doctor Caruso, the high school principal, and asked him one huge question that everyone always asks. The huge question, “what happens if you fail your finals?” Doctor Caruso gave the response that will calm everyone down, “So, three-sevenths of that course grade is based on that marking period. With two marking periods, that would equal sixth sevenths. The one seventh left over is your final. So, how we figure this out is, we would take your first quarter average multiple that by three sevenths, you get a number. You take your second quarter average, also multiply that by three sevenths, get a number. Take your final exam grade, multiply that by one seventh, you get the number. Then you add the three numbers up and that will give you your course grade.”
So, the exam can help you either if you are close to failing, or it can help you increase your grade. However, if you get a bad grade on your final and you do well in the first two quarters, you don’t have to worry!
Here is how teachers figure your grade:
MP 1 = 80
MP 2 = 85
FE = 75
MP 1 80 x 3 = 240
MP 2 85 x 3 = 255
Final = 75
Now we divide 570 by 469 (67 x 7 because you must average 67% each marking period and on the final exam) and you get your average of 82.2%
This time of the school year can be stressful, but if you put your mind to work, you don’t have to worry. I wish the best of luck to everyone, and I hope you do great!