Turkey Day

Written by Jewel Dickerman 

Just a week ago a monumental holiday occurred. On this holiday it is a day full of eating and giving thanks. This holiday is where you get to spend time with your loved ones. This is Thanksgiving. Luckily, this is a day where most people have the day off from work or school and fill their day with playing games and eating until the buttons of their pants pop. The students of Wallenpaupack Area High School get to have an easy couple of days the week of Thanksgiving. The Tuesday and Wednesday of Thanksgiving week, the students get to leave at 11:00. On Wednesday, a special event happens where many students get the chance to test their skills at various activities.This special event is called Turkey Day activities. The studentcouncil runs this spectacular day, and I had the opportunity to speak with Mrs. Ragonese, who is the student council advisor. She gave me information about Turkey Day. Here is what she had to say, “Turkey Day Activities started three years ago when Ms. Sodano and I took over student council.  We wanted to do some sort of “spirit games” (which typically happens before Christmas, but we were still not allowed to do indoor activitiesdue to the COVID pandemic).  So, we decided to do Turkey Day activities since we could do them outside.  We started with a trot and eating games.  Last year we added a flag football component, but no eating games.  This year we decided to do both.   Also, this year we will be donating any proceeds to our food pantry to help them feed families for the Holidays. The student council takes any idea students have for activities.  We discuss them as a council to see if they are doable and when would be an enjoyable time to do them.  Anybody can join student council be joining the remind outside my door.  I send out messages about upcoming events and when the meetings are to be for those events.  My student council officers are voted on and they are the ones to decide if something is doable.”

​A special thanks to the Student Council for hosting a fun day for students and Paupack Press hopes everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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