Senior Trip

Written by: Hunter Kenthack

Are you going on the senior trip to Disney? Or perhaps you know a senior that will be
attending? In the past the seniors have gone places like Virginia Beach, but our school has
maintained the tradition of Disney for quite a while now. Although there are no parent
chaperones there will be teachers and administrators who will be on the trip as well as an SRO.
Senior Smith and Mrs. Campbell along with Chief Clader, Mrs. Ragonese as the leader of
student council, and Mrs. Schoenagel from Allied Health as the “trip nurse.”
The Disney trip will be taking place from November 13 to November 17. Buses will report to the
school at 9:00 A.M and be loaded for the Newark Airport. The group will be split into two and
then report to respective terminals before it is off Orlando they go! Around 93 people will be
attending, which is a normal and good participation rate.
There tour group will be four parks while in Disney. Breakfast at the hotel is included as
well as a meal coupon per day for the “All Star Café.” They will visit places such as Epcot,
Hollywood Studios, the Animal Kingdom, and the Magic Kingdom. They will even have a pool
and pizza party on the first day of their trip and will see the incredibly famous fireworks show.
Have fun seniors!

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