Club Rundown: Paupack United

Written by Sadie Zagwoski

Paupack United is a club defined as a safe space for students to be themselves. Members
are able to make new friendships and form a community around students who are in similar
situations. The club has been active for three years since four students proposed the idea to
administrators during COVID-19. Paupack United is meant for anybody who is looking for a
safe social setting and a place to belong, including allies!

I interviewed Mr. Hamill, one of the faculty advisors of Paupack United, to see what he
had to say about the club. “We are actually the only school in the area to have a club like this.”
The club acts as a wonderful reminder of how lucky we are, as students, to have staff and
administrators who make an effort to understand. If Paupack United sounds like the club for you,
meetings are held every other Thursday in Mr. Hamill’s room, 282. The next meeting will be
held on November 9, and anybody is welcome! If you have any questions, you can ask Mr.
Hamill in his room or through email!

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