Written by Lily Struble
On Friday, October 20, students from Academy One’s Environmental Science path went to Wilkes
University for its biannual Earth and Environmental Science Day (EES). Eight Wallenpaupack students
attended, along with Mrs. McGinnis, for a day packed with activity.
The schedule included a seismology demonstration where students used a sledgehammer to mimic
earthquakes and learn about sensor technology that can read different levels in the earth. Students also
attended a sustainability event where they learned about common recycling misconceptions. Did you
know that any colored plastic CANNOT be recycled?
Participants also learned about weather and meteorology, using different tools to measure humidity in
the classroom. Finally, our students also learned about biodiversity in Pennsylvania and earned stickers
for correctly identifying different bugs.
The group ate lunch at the Henry Student Center and made an unexpected stop at Ritters for apple cider
on the way back to school.