Homecoming Game Photo Booth


The Paupack Press will hold a fund-raising event on October 13. The group will be running a photo booth at the homecoming football game! The event will start at 6 pm, as soon as the gates open. There will be a station set up by the concession stand for anyone who wants pictures. To keep things interesting, a Polaroid camera will be used instead of a normal photo booth!

Prices will be $3 for groups of three people or fewer and $4 for groups of four people or more. Also, there will be no refunds for anyone. The photo booth will be open at least until half-time. However, there is a chance that it will be open longer, depending on how busy it is. There will be more information to come.

The Paupack Press, is raising money for our group. However, even if we benefit from it, the photo booth is a beneficial way to remember special moments like this, so be prepared to show up in your best school spirit outfits! Families and friends love to look back at nights like Homecoming, and what better way to do that than to get your picture taken with the whole family? Plus, we can’t forget about Homecoming court! So many amazing reasons to get your picture taken with your best friends, family, significant other, or just by yourself! It’ll be something new to decorate your phone case or bedroom walls. Don’t forget to bring extra money, so you don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity!

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