The Cure

Written by Camron Ortiz

Two weeks ago, Swiss/French scientists found a way possibly to “cure” being paralyzed! The group of scientists used a Bluetooth connection to connect the brain to the paralyzed part of his body. The scientists also figured out that when they turned off the device, improvement still continued! So, could this possibly be a solution? Well yes and no… yes because the man is starting to walk again and he is getting use of his body after not being able to for years, but no as you can imagine how costly the procedure might end up being.  

Here’s a story about a man who was paralyzed, but now is regaining his full capability! Gert-Jan Oskam, got into a horrible Motorcycle crash 12 years ago. Doctors told Mr. Oskam that he would never be able to walk again. Being a person who refused to give up, he went to a Swiss federal institute called “digital footbridge.” The institution installed implants into his brain in 2017, and they can connect to an external computer that can be worn as a backpack. When the implant receives signals from his brain, the headpiece, somehow, by-passes the point where he is paralyzed and “connects” him to the rest of his body! Though the machine isn’t completely functional, as it kind of lags his thoughts, it’s a step in the right direction! Even though we may not see this technology used by the public for a few more years, it is good to know we have found a way hopefully to “cure” paralysis!  

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