Review of Pet Sematary by Stephen King

By: Any’ah Caljean

The book begins with a family of four—Dr. Louis Creed, his wife, Rachel, their two
young children, and their daughter’s cat, Winston Churchill (Church)—relocating from Boston to
Maine. They get settled into their house within a few weeks; Louis’ daughter, Ellie, starts
kindergarten, and they meet their neighbors Jud Crandall and Norma Crandall. The family goes
for a walk around their new house to see what everything looks like, and they find a mysterious
cemetery near the back of their house. Jud claims he knows nothing of it, but later reveals he has
a huge connection to this cemetery. Rachel, Gage—the youngest child—and Ellie all go to
Rachel’s parent’s house for Thanksgiving; Louis told them he would join them in a few days—he
does not. Instead, the family cat, Church, gets lost in a storm and ends up dead in the middle of
the road. Louis turns to his neighbor Jud for help. Jud tells Louis about the power of this secret
cemetery and leads him to one deeper behind the house. At this cemetery, Louis buries the cat’s
corpse and heads home. That night, the cat rose from the dead, now a walking zombie-cat, except
it’s not exactly a zombie—it doesn’t eat brains. Louis was very happy about this, because now
Ellie would never know the cat had died. Louis takes the power of this cemetery for granted. He
makes a huge mistake in this book, and you’d have to read it to find out what it is.
Thank you for reading my review of Pet Semetery by Stephen King.

I hope this influences you to rent or buy the book and read it for yourself.

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