What is AP Testing?

By: Loralie Love and Bethany Day

According to College Board, AP exams are used to measure how well students have mastered content learned from the AP course. Here at Wallenpauapack, our testing season starts in the beginning of May, and ends at the end of May. But how do people prepare for these tests, and why are they so stressful?  The reason people stress is that the tests themselves are harder than the actual class, but there are ways to stop stressing. According to the site “collegeexpress.com”, there are five ways to become less stressed. The number one way to be stress-free for testing is to get sleep, actual sleep. Plan for success, take breaks when needed, and study if you have trouble in your AP topic. But also make time for yourself, during testing, you must take care of yourself. 

Others ask how you study for your exam, and how long you should study. UWorld says one should plan to study for your exam one to three months before to properly prepare for the exam.

 The person we decided to interview was Emily Kangal, a well-known senior and the main face of our own newspaper! Emily had five AP classes in her high school career. She tells us how she loves taking AP classes and says, “It helped with my education.” I asked her what she would change about her English AP classes. “I think that they needed to be a semester and a half long instead of just one semester. I feel like we were not able to fit in the proper amount of curriculum that we were really supposed to due to the shorten time.” 

To anyone who is taking any AP classes or want to take them in the future, make sure you study and do your best! Good luck to the students of Wallenpaupack!

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