HOSA Goes to Hershey

By: Jewel Dickerman

On Tuesday, April 25, Wallenpaupack Area High School’s Health Occupations Students of America, HOSA, attended the Northeast Pennsylvania Area Health Education Center at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Hershey! This trip was something that was brought up last year because they wanted the students to see a large hospital. Once the trip was scheduled, they had a full day planned. The students had myriad opportunities during this trip. They were able to participate in rotations which included the Life Lion helicopter and ambulance service. The students were able to see helicopters and watch them take off. The students even were permitted to enter a cadaver lab where they got to see different body parts. HOSA students also got to learn about the heart and the lungs. All of the bodies in the cadaver lab were donated in the name of scientific research. The students also saw a piece of equipment that was hooked up to a pig’s lung. 

Another great opportunity was when the students got to use a VR system where it simulated being inside a person’s body. The students had lunch with medical school students and got to end their wonderful day at Chocolate World! Two students had the opportunity to express how much they loved the trip. One of those students is junior Fio Am Palma and he said, “I thought it was pretty good because I got to experience a lot of things that I usually wouldn’t. We got to see the cadaver lab which is pretty cool. It’s obviously a human dead body and they don’t show that to you at school.” 

The second student who spoke about the trip was sophomore Miranda Steuhl and she said, “I thought it was a very good experience honestly. I haven’t gone on many of the trips, but it was the best trip I went on. I feel like it was very interactive.” The trip looked like it was a lot of fun and if you want to have the opportunity that the students had, look into joining HOSA! Here are some photos from the event:

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