SADD Club’s Mock Crash

By: Jewel Dickerman

Blood curdling screams come from a sedan that fell victim to a terrible car accident. The sedan hit a van head-on, and three precious lives were lost, while two are in critical condition. The reason this accident happened was that there was a drunk driver behind the wheel of a sedan. 

It is terrible to see something like this happen to such young students, even if this was an example of what can happen when students drive under the influence. Last Thursday, April 20, the students against destructive decisions, (SADD), club hosted a mock car crash in the student parking lot. 

Some of the members of the SADD club expressed why they think the mock car crash was important.

Kimberlee Peet said “I’m really glad that we are doing the mock crash because there is a lot of thought behind it. Everyone attending prom has just earned their driving license or have only had them lids for one or two years, so we are still relatively new drivers, yet many have this mentality that ‘we’re on top of the world.’ This mock crash has a terrific opportunity to be an eye-opener, and remind us that we are not invincible, and we need to be smart, and make smart decisions, not only for ourselves, but for other drivers.”

 Autumn Gordon said, “I really like that we are doing the mock crash this year. I feel like it should  be something that happens every year because it really brings people to reality when they see what could happen rather than just hearing about it. I am hoping that it will reach people and prevent them from making destructive decisions.” 

Amelia Gordon said, “The mock crash is truly an amazing opportunity to express fully what could happen because of distracted driving and driving under the influence without anyone being harmed. The mock crash also allows many young drivers to think about their driving decisions that they might normally overlook. I am really glad that we are bringing the mock crash back as well because it is beneficial to both the participants and the viewers.” 

            The SADD Club did an amazing job raising awareness to drunk driving and its numerous consequences. 

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