SADD Club’s Mock Crash

By: Jewel Dickerman

This Sunday, April 23rd, is our senior Prom! There are so many great things that come along with prom, but there are also many activities we should be cautious about. In response, the SADD club will be hosting a mock-crash on Thursday, April 20th, during first block.  

 Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers, primarily due to inexperience behind the wheel, poor seat belt use, and risk-taking behaviors such as speeding and distracted driving. Alcohol can also be a factor in teen crashes, especially during prom and graduation seasons. The  objective  of a mock crash event is to educate teens, young adults,  parents,  and community members about the tragedy of traffic crashes. It reinforces the importance of using seat belts, paying attention behind the wheel, and to show the consequences of driving after consuming alcohol and/or distracted driving. The goal of a mock crash event is to reduce crashes, injuries and deaths involving younger drivers and their passengers by using visuals to demonstrate real-life consequences.  

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